History of ESTES2022-02-22T17:12:44+01:00

History of ESTES

The European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES) was founded on May 25, 2007 in Graz following the merging of EATES (European Association for Trauma & Emergency Surgery) and ETS (European Trauma Society). The registration of the society took place in Brussels on November 9, 2007.

This process was initiated already in 2004 with discussions between the Boards of the two societies in connection to the EATES Congress in Rotterdam, continuing at the 2006 ETS congress in Ljubljana and the 2006 EATES congress in Malmö, at a joint Board meeting in Graz January 2007 and finally before and during the 1st Joint Congress of EATES & ETS during May 23-26, 2007 in Graz, Austria.

History of  ETS

ETS LogoThe European Society for Traumatology is an umbrella organisation of 10 national societies.

In order to keep up with modern developments in the treatment of accident victims and to achieve a certain degree of harmonization, the German Society of Traumatology, the Austrian Trauma Society as well as the Swiss Society of Traumatology and Occupational Medicine began to hold joint meetings every 3 years in 1973.
After six conferences the political landscape in Europe had changed to such an extent that it seemed appropriate to invite other medical societies to participate and, thus, promote the idea of co-operation at the European level. Harald Tscherne was one of the driving forces behind this idea.

The goal was to create a European umbrella organization for all national societies of traumatology.
In 1994 the first European Trauma Congress was organized by the Hungarian Society of Traumatology under the presidency of Antal Renner in Budapest. Congresses in Davos (1996, under the presidency of Otmar Trentz), Amsterdam (1998, under the presidency of Christian von der Werken), and Hannover (2000, under the presidency of Harald Tscherne) followed. In 2002, Vienna was the venue of the 5th European Trauma Congress. The 6th European Trauma Congress was held in Prague in 2004. The 7th European Trauma Congress took place in Ljubljana in May 2006.

Within the framework of the Amsterdam Congress in 1998, the “European Trauma Society” (ETS) was established as an umbrella organisation for the national trauma societies. The mandate of the European Society was to optimise the quality of care for trauma victims in Europe through the intensive exchange of ideas, organisation of joint events, and representation of the interests of trauma surgery vis-à-vis the European authorities.

Thanks to support received from J. Gruwez and J. Witte, the Division of Traumatology of the European Board of Surgery was established within the framework of UEMS and a European examination for specialists in trauma surgery was introduced.


1st president of ETS was Simon K. Luitse (Netherlands)
2nd president was Harald Tscherne (Germany)
3rd president was Vilmos Vécsei (Austria)
4th president was Petr Zelnicek (Czech Republic), who passed away on Dec. 26th, 2005
5th president was Gert Muhr
6th president is Otmar Trentz

Honorary Members

Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Böhler
Dr. Jacques Aimé Gruwetz
Prof. Dr. H.J.Th.M. Haarman
Dr. Jan S. K. Luitse
Prof. Dr. Jennö Manninger
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Markgraf
Prof. Dr. Maurice Müller
Prof. Dr. Antal Renner
Prof. Dr. Harald Tscherne
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Emanuel Trojan

History of EATES

EATES LogoThe “history” of EATES has been passing through the difficulties of the organization, qualification and specific training of the Surgical Emergency Services in Europe for the last 30 years characterized by different and sometimes conflicting policies and cultures inside the European countries, including Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union countries and around the Mediterranean area. We must remember a pre-EATES phase when an official Committee (high level Academic Surgeons) of International Congress of Emergency Surgery was working to promote the culture of Emergency Surgery and Surgical Intensive Care: biannual congresses were organized and always at a high scientific level – in Milan (Italy) in1973, Zurich (Switzerland) in 1975, Paris (France) in 1977, Barcelona (Spain) in 1979, Brighton (UK) in 1981, Dubrovnik (Yugoslavia) in 1983, Munich (Germany) in 1985, Milan (Italy) in1987, Strasbourg (France) in 1989, Lisbon (Portugal) in 1991.

The first effort to build a European Association arose during the International Conference and “Postgraduate Training and Hospital Organization for Emergency Surgery Services “ organized by the University of Pisa (Italy) on 7th November, 1992, where official delegates from the National Societies of France, Norway, Hungary, Greece, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Eire, Portugal, Spain, Poland and Italy participated. This meeting was developed under the patronage of the European College of Surgeons and of the Council of Europe, whose Secretary was chairman of the meeting. After a few months Prof. Vittorio Staudacher in Castel Ivano – University of Milan (Italy) sponsored and organized the EAES (European Association Emergency Surgery) FOUNDATION CONFERENCE, also with the participation of delegates from Russia (ex-Soviet Union), Czech Republic, Rumania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia. The “Founder Patrons” Vittorio Staudacher (Milan – Italy) and Louis F. Hollender (Strasbourg – France) supported the election as President EAES of Enrico Cavina (Pisa – Italy) (1993-97).

The 1st EAES Congress was held in Oslo (Norway) in 1995. Following this event, EAES changed into EATES (European Association Trauma Emergency Surgery ), the enlarged formal participation of non-European countries was encouraged, also from ex-Soviet Union countries, North-Africa and the Middle East Mediterranean area (56 Countries enrolled , but only as formal acceptance ).

During the 1993 – 97 period EATES was present by its patronage in some important enterprises for the growth of Emergency and Trauma. Surgery policies and cultures in Europe official Conferences in Brno (Czech Republic), Moscow (Russia – Institute for Emergencies), Beograd (formal Republic of Yugoslavia), Lublin (Poland).
EATES suggested the introduction of the ATLS® courses (ACS) in many European countries and at the same time edited a “European Course Trauma Care” managed by a special EATES taskforce of young surgeons

2004-2006 Term2022-02-08T23:41:19+01:00

Approved during the 6th EATES Congress, Rotterdam (The Netherlands),  12 September, 2004

President Ari LEPPÄNIEMI
Vice President Sten LENNQUIST
General Secretary Korhan TAVILOGLU
Treasurer Tamer TADROS
Past President Alastair W. WILSON
Members Sergio RIBALDI
Councilor at Large Hans Jörg OESTERN
2002-2004 Term2022-02-08T23:46:01+01:00

Approved during the 5th EATES Congress, Istanbul (Turkey), October 2002

President Alastair W. WILSON
Vice President Sten LENNQUIST
General Secretary Korhan TAVILOGLU
Treasurer Tamer TADROS
Kluger YORAM
Councilor at Large Hans Jörg OESTERN
2000-2002 Term2022-02-08T23:48:44+01:00

Approved during the 3rd EATES Congress, Lyon (France), September 1999

President George ANDROULAKIS
Vice President Hans Jörg OESTERN
Alastair W. WILSON
Past President Enrico CAVINA
Members Jean-Louis CAILLOT
Francois IRMAY
1997-2000 Term2022-02-08T23:51:14+01:00

Approved during the 2nd EATES Congress, Athens (Greece), October 1997

President George ANDROULAKIS
Vice President Hans Jörg OESTERN
Alastair W. WILSON
Past President Enrico CAVINA
Members Michael GRINEV
Iskender SAYEK
1993-1997 Term2022-02-08T23:53:46+01:00

Approved during the International Conference and Postgraduate Training and Hospital Organization for Emergency Surgery Services, Pisa (Italy) 7 November, 1992

President Enrico Cavina (Italy)
Vice President Jean-Pierre Neidhardt (France)
Honorary President Vittorio Staudacher (Italy)
Louis-Francois Hollender (France)
Members George Androulakis (Greece)
Michael Grinev (Russia)
Guido Tiberio (Italy)
Jean-Louis Caillot (France)
Founders of EATES2022-02-08T23:22:52+01:00
George ANDROULAKIS (GREECE) Professor and Chairman University of Athens
Stylianos KATSARAGAKIS (GREECE) Ass. Professor of Surgery University of Athens
Spyros STERGIOPOULOS (GREECE) Lecturer in Surgery University of Athens
Enrico CAVINA (ITALY) Professor of Surgery Head Emergency Dept. University of Pisa
Massimo SECCIA (ITALY) Associate Professor of Surgery
Massimo CHIARUGI (ITALY) Associate Professor of Surgery
Hans Jorg OESTERN (GERMANY) Professor and Chairman Trauma Dept. Celle
George SAPKAS (GREECE) Associate Professor of Surgery
Lefteris VAIRAKTARIS (GREECE) Associate Professor of Surgery
Emmanuil LEANDROS (GREECE) Associate Professor of Surgery
Zogzapos GEORGE (GREECE) Associate Professor of Surgery
Konstadoulakis MANOUSSOS (GREECE) Attending Surgeon
Andrgas MANOURAS (GREECE) Lecturer in General Surgery
George PAPADAKIS (GREECE) Senior Registrar
Leonidas PAPASTAMATIOU (GREECE) Associate Professor of Surgery
Panos TRACHNOS (GREECE) Senior Registrar
Lefteris LAPIDAKIS (GREECE) Senior Registrar
Panos PANOUSSIS (GREECE) Associate Professor of Vascular Surgery
Theodore PANTAZOPOULOS (GREECE) Professor of Orthopaedics
Emmanuel FRAGKIADAKIS (GREECE) Associate Professor of Orthopaedics
Dimitrios KORRES (GREECE) Associate Professor of Orthopaedics
Constantinos STAMOS (GREECE) Associate Professor of Orthopaedics
2006-2008 Term2022-02-08T23:35:47+01:00

Approved during the 7th EATES Congress, Graz (Austria),  07 September, 2006

President Sten LENNQUIST
Vice President Selman URANUES
General Secretary Korhan TAVILOGLU
Treasurer Eric J. VOIGLIO
Past President Ari LEPPÄNIEMI
Mauro ZAGO
Councilor at Large Hans Jörg OESTERN
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